IKM in Sleman district has a lot of potential of hearts produce seed
products, but the products were identified Operates yet clear The Become Top
Priority as ungulan products. It causes less focus Singer Development and
Language Development Of County Government hearts competitiveness
enhancement Products generated. The methods used determine hearts hearts
Singer Research Products of Regions is Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
The combined with Methods Techniques For Other References by Similarity
to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). AHP is used to determine the weight of the
reviews of 6 Criteria That turnover, labor, Term Company, target market,
Daniel Raw Materials Production Period. While alternative perangkingan
Products From SMEs using TOPSIS Method. Respondents determined
Technique purposive sampling, selected based on the criteria of expertise and
involvement hearts SME development activities. From the findings of Data
Processing The resulting weights of each criterion Massing turnover is 0,190,
Labour 0,148, 0,205 Raw materials, Term Production 0,151, the target market
is 0,197 and 0,109 Term of the Company. The results of the analysis and data
processing TIN Value Preference From every alternative, as the Bamboo
Craftsman Products of Sleman with Preferences Value 1.0000, Weaving
affairs with preference value 0,7802, Roof-tile with preference value 0,7545,
Batik with preference value 05242, Blangkon Craftsman with preference
value 0,5031, Cement beach by value Preferences 0.4740, and then Tahu
Craftsman WITH preference value 0,3608, embroidery And the latter in is
Making Wood Craftsman.