The development of Sharia Finance Institution in Indonesia should be in line with the increase of the people understanding about sharia finance institution. The increase of the people understanding about sharia finance institution makes the people interested in using the product and service in sharia finance institution. The research aimed at testing and analyzing how the influence of knowledge, information and partial (individual) and simultaneous interest towards the traditional market traders understanding about sharia finance institution was. The method used in the research was associative quantitative using primary data with the result (answer) of 97 respondents. The data analysis used in the research was double linear regression analysis. The researcher used validity and reliability tests towards the questionnaire data. The result of the research showed that all independent variables simultaneously have significant influence towards the understanding of the traders in Suronegaran traditional market of Purworejo village about sharia finance institution because the probability value of 0.002 was smaller than 0.005. Meanwhile, partially there was one variable that significantly influenced the understanding of the traders in the Suronegaran traditional market in Purworejo village, with probability value of 0.002 smaller than 0.05.