dc.contributor.advisor | CAHYANINGSIH, INDRIASTUTI | |
dc.contributor.author | SABILILLAH, L MUH IQBAL | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2017-08-18T02:16:16Z | |
dc.date.available | 2017-08-18T02:16:16Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2017-07-26 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.umy.ac.id/handle/123456789/13045 | |
dc.description | Storage of pharmaceutical preparations is part of pharmaceutical
management which becomes very important because wrong or inefficient
storage will makethe drugs expired or undetected which eventually will make
the hospitalincurs losses. Damaged drugs or expired drugslead to non-optimal
circulation of drugs in the warehouse. This study is conducted to evaluate the
storage of pharmaceutical preparations and the indicators of storage of
pharmaceutical preparations in pharmaceutical warehouse of RSUD X.
This study is a non-experimental research in forms of descriptive design
conducted through observation and interview related to storage of
pharmaceutical preparations which is compared to Permenkes RI Number 58
year 2014 and to analyze storage indicators including Turn Over Ratio (TOR).
TOR value can be obtained by comparing drugs purchased within a year with
the average of storage at the end of the year. The percentage of stock off by
comparing number or drugs types which never exit from the warehouse for three
consecutive months in 2016 with the total of drugs types. The percentage of
expired or damaged drugs. The data were gained by calculating the number of
drugs types which are damaged or expired from January – March 2016. That
number was divided with the total of drugs types and the warehouse
arrangement system by assessing whether the warehouse arrangement system
used FIFO FEFO method.
The result of the study shows that 80 % of storage requirements have been
appropriate with the standard, 66% of storage components have conformed with
the standard, 50% of storage system have conformed the standard, 66% of
storage system has been appropriate with the standard, and 100% of emergency
drugs management has been appropriate with the standard. The result of the
storage indicators calculation shows that Turn Over Ratio (TOR) value is 4.77
times with the standard of 8 – 12 times, the percentage of expired or damaged
drugs during January – March 2016 is 0.004% with the standard that itis still
acceptable when the value is below 1%, the value of stock off in 2016 is 0.03%
with the standard of 0%, and the storage arrangement system using FEFO (First
Expired First Out) standard uses FIFO FEFO. Based on the result of the study, it
could be concluded that the storage of pharmaceutical preparations in RSUD X
pharmaceutical warehouse year 2016 has not in accordance with the standards
of Permenkes RI Number 58 year 2014, while the storage indicators which have
not been efficientare Turn Over Ratio (TOR) and warehouse arrangement
system. The percentage of damaged drugs or expired and the percentage of
stock off have fulfilled the standards. | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | Penyimpanan sediaan farmasi merupakan bagian dari pengelolaan obat
yang menjadi sangat penting karena penyimpanan yang salah atau tidak efisien
membuat obat kadaluarsa tidak terdeteksi dapat membuat rugi rumah sakit.
Kerusakan obat dan adanya obat mati menyebabkan perputaran obat di gudang
tidak maksimal. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi penyimpanan
sediaan farmasi, serta indikator-indikator penyimpanan sediaan farmasi di
gudang farmasi RSUD X.
Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian non-eksperimental yang berupa
desain deskriptif melalui observasi dan wawancara mengenai penyimpanan
sediaan farmasi yang dibandingkan dengan pedoman Permenkes RI Nomor 58
tahun 2014 dan menganalisis indikator-indikator penyimpanan yang meliputi
Turn Over Ratio (TOR). Nilai TOR dapat diperoleh dengan membandingkan
pembelian obat dalam satu tahun dengan persediaan rata-rata pada akhir tahun.
Persentase stok mati dengan membandingkan jumlah jenis obat yang tidak
pernah keluar dari gudang selama 3 bulan berturut-turut pada tahun 2016
dengan total jenis obat. Persentase obat kadaluarsa atau rusak. Data ini
diperoleh dengan cara menghitung jumlah jenis obat yang rusak atau kadaluarsa
selama bulan Januari-Maret tahun 2016. Nilai tersebut dibagi dengan total jenis
obat dan sistem penataan gudang dengan menilai sistem penataan gudang
apakah menggunakan metode FIFO FEFO.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebesar 80% persyaratan
penyimpanan sudah sesuai standar, 66% komponen penyimpanan sudah sesuai
standar, 50% sistem penyimpanan sudah sesuai standar, 66 % metode
penyimpanan sudah sesuai standar, serta 100% pengelolaan obat emergency
sudah sesuai standar. Hasil perhitungan indikator penyimpanan menunjukkan
nilai Turn Over Ratio (TOR) sebesar 4,77 kali dengan standar 8-12 kali, nilai
persentase obat kadaluarsa atau rusak bulan Januari-Maret 2016 sebesar 0,004%
dengan standar masih bisa diterima jika nilainya dibawah 1%, nilai persentase
stok mati tahun 2016 sebesar 0,003 % dengan standar 0%, dan sistem penataan
gudang menggunakan sistem FEFO (First Expired First Out) standar
menggunakan FIFO FEFO. Berdasarkan hasil penelitan dapat disimpulkan
bahwa penyimpanan sediaan farmasi di gudang farmasi RSUD X tahun 2016
belum sesuai dengan standar Permenkes RI Nomor 58 tahun 2014, sedangkan
indikator penyimpanan yang belum efisien yaitu Turn Over Ratio (TOR) dan
sistem penataan gudang. Kemudian yang sudah memenuhi standar yaitu
persentase obat rusak atau kadaluarsa dan persentase stok mati. | en_US |
dc.publisher | FKIK UMY | en_US |
dc.subject | evaluasi penyimpanan, gudang farmasi, indikator penyimpanan, RSUD X. storage evaluation, pharmaceutical warehouse, storage indicators, RSUD X | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis
268 | en_US |