Books: Recent submissions
Now showing items 121-140 of 1754
(UMY-IIUM Internasional Joint Seminar, 2009)This research aimed at explaining religious understanding of the Ngruld stigmatized by the Western media as school of terrorism, especially about Jihad and Relation between Muslim and Non Muslim. Jihad according to the ... -
Pendidikan Ketawadhuan Kaum Santri
(UMY Press, 2022) -
(MUKADDIMAH, 2010)This research aimed at explaining: the understanding tng of husband and wife in a polygamous family about justice in polygamous families.' the implementation of justice of husbands in polygamous families: the constraints ... -
Memutus Mata Rantai Radikalisme dan Terorisme
(Lazuardi Birru, 2010) -
(MUKADDIMAH, 2005)Islamic personal law ofindonesia makes guardianay one of the conditions for the lawful marriage. According to Shofra school, then are two guardians; family guardianand sultan (government). In Indonesia, the sultan it ... -
Investigating the Influence of Entrepreneurial Leadership on Students' Entrepreneurial Intentions: Teacherpreneurship as a Mediating Variable
(European Journal of Educational Research, 2020)The paper aims to know the influence of entrepreneurial leadership on the students' entrepreneurial intentions as well as its impact on teacherpreneurship. The design employed was quantitative with the ex post facto method ... -
(The Journal Publishing, 2022) -
Bukti Peer Review
(2020) -
Machine Learnings of Dental Caries Images based on Hu Moment Invariants Features
(International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic), 2021)Dental caries generally occurs due to consuming foods containing carbohydrates, such as sucrose, and rarely brushing teeth, thus causing gradual damage to the layers and structures of the teeth. This study aims to build a ... -
Comparison of Dental Caries Level Images Classification Performance using KNN and SVM Methods
(IEEE, 2021)This study aims to build a dental caries level classification system based on image processing (i.e. to extract texture features) and machine learning methods. The first step was to analyze and discover the extraction ... -
Comparison Performance of Prostate Cell Images Classification using Pretrained Convolutional Neural Network Models
(IEEE, 2021)Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in 2019. In that year, in the United States 174,650 men (20%) had prostate cancer and the remaining 696.32 men (80%) had other cancers (lung, bronchus) etc). In cancer ... -
Classification of Plasmodium Skizon and Gametocytes Malaria Images Using Deep Learning
(International Conference on Electronic and Electrical Engineering and Intelligent System (ICE3IS), 2021)Identification analysis of the malaria parasite cell infection, there is a possibility of human error factor done by paramedics because of the number of samples that must be analyzed. This case is because the human eye ... -
Automatic Feeding of Laying Hens Based on Real- Time Clock
(International Conference on Electronic and Electrical Engineering and Intelligent System (ICE3IS), 2021)The process of feeding laying hens in large quantities and on time manually will experience difficulties. The manual feeding method makes feeding less effective and efficient. A real-time clock (RTC)-based automated feeder ... -
Machine Learning Performances for Covid-19 Images Classification based Histogram of Oriented Gradients Features
(IEEE, 2022)Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) is an infectious disease that attacks the respiratory area caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-2) virus. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) as of April ... -
COVID-19 X-Ray Images Classification using Support Vector Machine and K-Nearest Neighbor
(ICITACEE, 2022)COVID-19 has significantly influenced living in recent years. Almost all countries have carried out all limitations to reduce its spread. Detection is highly required for further handling of COVID-19. In this study, the ... -
(Magnum Pustaka Utama, 2023)Kondisi darurat kekerasan seksual yang terjadi pada perempuan dan anak di Indonesia memberi dampak terhadap pola pikir orang tua dan guru akan pentingnya keselamatan diri anak-anak atas pelaku kekerasan seksual. Definisi ... -
Classification of Cervical Precancerous Cell of ThinPrep Images Based on Deep Learning Model AlexNet and InceptionV3
(IEEE, 2022)Cervical cancer is one of the deadliest diseases in the world, responsible for the greatest number of fatalities. Around 569,847 new cervical cancer cases are recorded every year. Efforts to prevent this condition can be ... -
Caries Level Classification using K-Nearest Neighbor, Support Vector Machine, and Decision Tree using Zernike Moment Invariant Features
(International Conference on Data Science and Its Applications (ICoDSA), 2022)Dental caries is the most common disease and is reported as one of the oldest diseases. To avoid the occurrence of dental caries, there are four ways; maintaining oral hygiene, consuming healthy food, adequate fluoride and ... -
An Intelligent Classification System for Trophozoite Stages in Malaria Species
(Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, 2022)Malaria is categorised as a dangerous disease that can cause fatal in many countries. Therefore, early detection of malaria is essential to get rapid treat- ment. The malaria detection process is usually carried out with ... -
Algorithm of Caries Level Image Classification using Multilayer Perceptron Based Texture Features
(IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Computational Intelligence, 2022)A number of patients with untreated caries only seek treatment at late stages when serious complications might have already developed and can lead to significant acute and chronic conditions with high cost of treatment. ...