ANALISIS KELAYAKAN USAHA DAN STRATEGI PEMASARAN AGROINDUSTRI SALE PISANG (Studi Kasus di Perusahaan Sale Pisang Suka Senang, Kec. Cijeungjing, Kab. Ciamis, Jawa Barat)
This study aims to determine the costs and benefits, to know the degree of trading feasibility, and agro-industry marketing strategy in desiccated banana industry. The case study was conducted at Suka Senang Company, Ciamis Regency on August 2016. The basic method used in this research is descriptive method. The location for this research was choosen purposively in Suka Senang Company because the company is biggest desiccated banana industry in Ciamis Regency. Owner of Suka Senang Company and 30 consumers are chosen as respondents. Primary data obtained through interviews, observation, and questionnaire. The results showed total cost incurred by the sale of desiccated bananas in one month is Rp. 185.387.152 and the average profit per month is about Rp 192.612.848. Based on the analysis of R/C, this business got a value of 2.04, it means that desiccated banana industry is worth to be continued. Expanding the network marketing partnership with supermarkets in other cities and using social media, (on Facebook and Whatsapp group) as unlimited advertising media for potential customers. There are some marketing strategies for Suka Senang desiccated banana industry.