STRATEGI PROMOSI INDIE BOOK CORNER DALAM PEMASARAN BUKU MELALUI MEDIA SOSIAL (Studi Kasus Promosi Indie Book Corner dalam Pemasaran Buku Melalui Media Sosial)
This research explores about Indie book corner promotion in marketing book
by using social media. The researcher chose IBC as the object because it is the
one of indie books publication that is successful enough in the marketing through
social media, it can be found from the income in a mounth that always increase,
then the quality of the publicated and saled books has become the nomination of
books competition. The purpose of this research is to find and explore how the
strategy of promoting that used by IBC in marketing the book through social
media, so it is still run and known as the successful indie publication.
The type of this research is the study of qualitative description. The technique
of analysis data used Miles and Huberman model, there are collecting data,
reducing data, presenting data, and concluding. The data came from interviewing
deeply (deep interview), observing the participants, and documentation.
The result of this research displayed how strategy of indie book corner
promotion in its social media account is success to bring it as the successful indie
publication in the condition of unstable publication. The promotion strategy is
applied such as creating gimmick-gimmick, using pattern posting, using viral
media. From the three strategies are used effectively. This research also explained
about how to arrange SWOT IBC analysis, then what ways IBC to decide and
apply the modest strategy.