TVRI is one of the local TV in Yogyakarta and a cultural program named Jawa
Karang Tumaritis presented as one of the alternative cultural program that shows about
culture of Java that put up social, culture and people life as a feature. Therefore, it is
necessary to build an accurate management system of how to run the proper way of planing,
organizing, directing, and monitoring of a production of program. What kind of system of
management that used in program Karang Tumaritis in order to preserve the traditional
culture in TVRI of Yogyakarta by presented their program to the audiences?
A method used in this research is based on qualitative approach. The researcher
describe and interpret the data based on the real situation that has considered as the
accurate ones by observing and interviewing the informants. The purpose of using the
method is to make it ease in describing and explaining about the management system of
production in Karang Tumaritis in an attemp to preserve the traditional culture in TVRI of
Yogyakarta. Besides, to analyze the proposition in this research, the researcher used a
literature of management of POAC.
Based on the results conducted from the data cultivation, it’s concluded that the
management system of production in Karang Tumaritis in attemp to preserve the traditional
culture in TVRI of Yogyakarta basically similar with the other management in other
production, the differents are just in the function of the planing is not yet well structured
according to the planing concept that made. Then in the function of the organizing, one
might get a conditional duty or double duties or more in a row, while in directing function
that handed by the producer who is also as the conceptor, field director, and program
planner. Whereas, in monitoring, the producer fully handled entire activities while
productiong and directing the programs in every productions.