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dc.contributor.authorAisah, Anita
dc.description.abstractMuhammadiyah's educational goals have four functions: educational facility; community service; da'wah of amar ma'ruf nahi munkar; and regeneration (Ali, 2016) The aim of AIK Course is to achieve for functions, one of them is spirit “amar ma'ruf nahi munkar” (invite to the goodness and avoid to the meanness) in preaching. In the process of forming and increasing interest in preaching for Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Universities’s students, interesting learning method in the AIK course learning process is necessaryen_US
dc.titleIncreasing the Preacing Interest Through Historical Field Trip Learningen_US
dc.title.alternativeMinat Berdakwahen_US

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    Berisi artikel ilmiah (bukan sertifikat) yang ditulis oleh dosen pada acara konferensi baik lokal, nasional maupun internasional dengan penyelenggara dari luar UMY, baik sebagai peserta Call for Paper, presenter, narasumber maupun keynote speaker.

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