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dc.contributor.authorMuslikhati, Siti
dc.description.abstractGlobalization makes the world without borders, so that interactions and influences among nations are very easy. In the era of globalization, there are two cultural phenomena that seem contradictory. On one hand, the ease of communicating and accessing information has led to the emergence of uniform cultural patterns between nations (global culture). But on the other hand, technological advances in the fields of communication, transportation and information actually strengthen awareness of cultural diversity. Each nation is required to show the uniqueness and distinctiveness of each culture (local culture) so that it becomes an attraction for tourist flows. Discourse continues to be related to whether world citizens will merge in the flow of global culture or maintain their local culture. This paper will emphasize that these two extreme poles actually belong to a liberal culture. This paper will also evaluate the consequences of adopting a liberal culture for the Muslim world, as well as offering an Islamic perspective on managing cultural diversity within a unified framework.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipProdi HI UMYen_US
dc.publisherAsosiasi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectLocal Culture, Global Culture, Cultural Liberalization, Islamic Perspectiveen_US
dc.titlePandangan Islam Terhadap Liberalisasi Budaya: Titik Tengah Diskursus Kemajemukan dan Persatuanen_US

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