Government of Yogyakarta City Communication in the Arrangement of Maliboro Areas in 2015-2016
This study aims to understand the government communication process of Yogyakarta City Government in the arrangement of Malioboro areas with Lasswell paradigm. Research method use qualitative with Malioboro area Arragement as a studi cases. This research is was undertaken in the city of Yogyakarta by involving the Tourism Department of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Tourism and Culture Department of Yogyakarta City, Technical Implementation Unit of Malioboro (UPT Malioboro) as a communicator and Three object to communicate are Parking Community, Street Vendors and Malioboro visitors. This research used qualitative method that aimed to explain how the process of regulating communication in the arrangement Malioboro areas. Finding of this research is , the good communication can make implementation of policy more effective. The obstacle at the process communication can only be faced with the right media and so that the message will delivered to Communicant.