dc.description.abstract | Abstract: The purpose of this study is: a) to test and prove empirically GeDeral Allocation Fund
(GAI)have a positive effect on regional expenditure in provinces in Indcnesia, b) to test and prove
empirically Special Allocation Fr.rnd(SAF) have a positive effect o:r regional expenditure in provinces
in Indonesia, c) to test and prove empirically Revenue Sharing Irund(RSir) have a positive effect on
regional expenditure in provinces in Indonesia, d) to test and irrove crlrpirically Locally-Generated
Revenue(LGR) have a positive effect on regional expcnditure in l.ovirrces in lndonesia, e) to test and
prove empirically Gross Regional Domestic Product(GRDP) liave a positive effect on regional
expenditure in provinces in Indonesia, f) to test and prove empiricrlly rrappen Fl)?aper Effect ir
provinces in lndonesia. The research method in this study is descriprive lnethod that ain')s to tnalie the
description systenatically, factually, and accuratelly towards fact. The population in this study is the
provinces in Indonesia until 2016. The result showed that The Genelai Allocation Fund arrd Gross
Regional Domestic Product have not etlectto reglonal expenditure in province in Indonesia. The
Special Allocation Fund. Revenue Sharing Fund. Loca lly-Genelrted Revenuehave a posilive effect on
regional expenditure in province in hdonesia. Judging:from value of adjusted R Square balance funds
(General Allocation Fund, Special Allocation Frmd, Revenue Sharing Fund) is smaller than adjusted
RSquare Locally-Generated Revenue. It rvas concluded that there .,r'ar no Flypaper Effect in the
province oflndonesia within the periode of2014-2016 | en_US |