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dc.contributor.authorQODIR, ZULY
dc.description.abstractIndonesia as the multireligion an multiculture state aften gets great examination. Some forms of violation in the name of religion, and in the name of ideology come to replace each other to attack the republic which has just aged 68 years old from the freedom. There are cases of violation named religious intolerance happening in many palces in Indonesia which are not solved well. Even later, by the presidential election and after the legislative election in our country, political violation became political commodity coloring our political atmosphere most. We can say that some of our politic leave the ethic and prefer to the interest. The dirty political practice becomes the part of all of our democratization process. Religions education is hoped to be able to give pattern in keeping the ethic of the politic in Indonesia.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipICONPO Ven_US
dc.titleICONPO Ven_US

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