Social media especially instagram eases society to accessdakwah (religious preaching) contents. They also ease anyone who wants to share dakwah. They do not need to make events or meet face to face but they just need to share the dakwahmessage through social media. The research aimed at observing the content of the dakwah message and the category of the dakwah message [email protected] account. This research is a descriptive qualitative research with content analysis. The objects of this research are the dakwah messages uploaded on @kartun.dakwah instagram account. The posting uploaded is based on the total like- signon the posting on January 2019. The data collecting methods consist of: interview, observation, and documentation. This research results are: (1) The dakwah messages [email protected] instagram account in the form of pictures and comic have varied contents related to Al-Qur’an verses, hadith, and several literature works. (2) The dakwah message content posted on @kartun.dakwah instagram account have six categorizations such as aqidah (3), akhlak (3), syariah (2), motivations (3), tips (2), encouragement for shadaqah (3). (3) Every instagram account has impacts for people who follow it and so does @kartun.dakwah instagram account. Regarding the impacts, it depends on how we as the followers prevent the negative impact and are able to accept the positive impact