Non Performing Loan (NPL) is a wrong one indicators that can explain
how quality performance a conventional bank, due to high NPLs is indicator
failure of the bank in bank too will experience decline earnings due diminished
source income major conventional banks that is from distribution credit. Research
this aim for explain about influence internal variable of bank in the form of Loan
to Deposit Ratio (LDR) and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) and external variable
in bank the form of Gross Domestic Product and BI Rate to up down the ratio
Non Performing Loan (NPL) of Conventional Bank in Indonesia on period year
2015 months January‟s up month June 2017. The research data used is secondary
data obtained from Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, Bank Indonesia, and Badan Pusat
Statistik. The data analysis model uses Error Correction Model (ECM).
From the test assumption classic show that the data used in research
normally distributed and no found variables that deviate from assumption classic
so that data in available has meet requirement for using equation model multiple
linear regression. Results research show that in long period CAR and GDP
variables have positive influence and significant against NPL, Whereas LDR
variable have positive influence that is not significant and the BI Rate variable has
negative influence ones are not significant against NPL. In short period show
LDR and BI Rate variables have negative effect however not significant against
NPL, whereas CAR and GDP variables have positif effect however not significant
against NPL. For lowered and keeping the NPL ratio is not too high, then the
bank should improve performance management deep bank credit analyze
costumers will receive loans.