This study aims to examine how the interpretation of al-Marāghī in Qur’an Surah al-Isrā’ (17)
concerning moral education, in addition, it examines the values of moral education contained in the Qur’an,
Surat al-Isrā’ (17) verses 23-24 (An Overview of Tafsir al-Marāghī), and analyzes the relevance of the
values contained in the surah to moral education in Indonesia.
This type of research is library research, which refers to primary and secondary data sources,
primary data sources in the form of al-Marāghī books and secondary sources in the form of written works,
such as books, journals and other written works relating to the main theme of the discussion. The method
used by the researcher in this study was descriptive-analytic. Data were collected in research through a
documentation technique (documentary study), then analyzed in order to strengthen the argumentation.
The results of the study indicate that: first, the interpretation of al-Marāghī in the Qur’an Surah al-
Isrā’ verses 23-24, namely by explaining the mufradat (vocabularies), then briefly explains their meaning,
correlation with other verse, and the last is to explain the verse in more detail. The interpretation is about
the existence of values of moral education towards God, which includes taqwa, love, and pleasure, sincerity,
khauf (fear), and raja’ (expectation), tawakal (reliance), syukur (grateful), muraqabah (knowing that Allah
is watching over us), and taubat (repentance). Furthermore, it explained the command to do good to both
parents, in several ways that Allah is pleased, devoted to both, to be polite with behavior, actions, and
words. Second, the values contained in Qur’an Surah al-Isrā’ verses 23-24 are morals towards God and
morals towards parents. Third, there is relevance between the values of moral education contained in Qur’an
Surah al-Isrā’ verses 23-24 with moral education in Indonesia.