dc.description.abstract | ABSTRACT
This study used descriptive approach by using the qualitative nrethod as the data analysis technique and also supponed
witl'r quantitative analysis. tlris resealch intplenrented the interactive rnethod which consists: data reduction, data
collection, data p|esentation. and the conclusion that can be nlade at the tillre betbre and during the data collection to
tjnd out the nrodels of existing lT-based interventions tirr- Snrall Mediunr Enterprises (SMEs) in Bantul. Yogyakarta
which has been done by stakeholders olthe SMEs institutions to ercoumge the developnrent of IT for SMEs thernselves.
The discussions in this research are: a) What kind of intervention of lT which has been conducted by the stakeholdem of
SMEs institution. b) How effective the activities we[e? c) What are the positive impacts and what obstacles are
encountered rvhen applying the internet as nrarketing nrediunr. d) what kind of internet models are used. All of business
actors ofcraft industry in Bantul beconre the respondent by guided intervierv and the industry which rvill be analyzed
arc pottery craft, weaving craft. u,ooden crat'1. handicratihandiclafi and leather crafts. The result shou'ed that: l) Still
about 40% SMEs using internet or IT lechnolog), to their business and the remainiug about 60% are still believe on their
t[aditional business manner, 2) The interventions are conducted by the local government. scholar and some ot private
company. 3) Increased nrarketing perfornrance occuned by the SMEs that applying internet as their nrarkcting me | en_US |