dc.description.abstract | Abstract
Strr.LcttLration is sociologicol theory of Antlrcny Gitldans explaining ngency relationship and
sh'ttctlo'e. According to structwatiott theory, the relationship agent (rctor, actors) and stt'uctut'e
(systern) are d:ualistic that reciprttcity and not tluaLity relatiottship is one ttt dominate the other.
Tlnt between ap;ency and stnrcture ctutnot be urlerstood separatehl fron each other, botlt of them
are one thnt is all social action irnoht q a strLtctw'e, ruhile all structures inaoh,ing social action.
Agettcy and structln" ore closahl intcrlaced in rctioittl called socinl practice uhich is continuousltl
dttne by hwnarL irL togetlrcr tife. In the perspecthe of sociologtl, str cturatiorl tluory is a
critic tototrds Parsortion functionol structn'alisnt paradignt that enphasizes the dominance of
strLLctLtre and Webcrinn itierStrctLttittc ytttrnLlign tlnt emphisizas thc role of the main actor. Bt1
structurntion, Giddcrts tries ttt olfer eclectic hctioaen tlr roles of actor nttd strttctttre in reciprocnl
r e lat i o n ship s dy nm n ic nL I y. | en_US |