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dc.contributor.authorSARI, SOVIA SITTA
dc.description.abstractThis research was a descriptive qualitative research employing a qualitative content analysis method. Research data were gathered from activities of top five Facebook accounts which highly engaged in issues of the royal proclamation. A data collection technique was conducted through examining online documents. Data collection criteria were based on the highest engagement in the issues of the royal proclamation. A validity test used construct validity. Research findings revealed that a digital divide with regard to the royal proclamation on Facebook between old and new generations existed. Cultural and language factors led to the digital divide. A public opinion construction process in cognitive, affective, and behavioral domains indicated that new generations were apathetic. On the other hand, old generations were more consistent with their identity as Javanese people. Vastly digital participation styles could be noticed from common participation styles. An underlying motive and participation consequence of new generations illustrated egalitarian expressions. Meanwhile, old generations represented an interaction gap between a content writer and other accounts responding to the content.en_US
dc.publisherProdi Ilmu Komunikasien_US
dc.subjectDigital Divide, Public Opinion, Royal Proclamation, Facebooken_US
dc.titleA DIGITAL DIVIDE OF PEOPLE OF YOGYAKARTA SPECIAL REGION IN RESPONDING TO A SABDA RAJA OR A ROYAL PROCLAMATION (A Case Study of Public Opinions on Contents regarding a Royal Proclamation on Facebook Throughout 2015)en_US

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