One of the patient's safety goals was used patient identification. This time mental patients used the same wristband
identification as for common patients in hospital. Many obstacles faced in the hospital, such as wrist-band was often
removed and always changed, or often blurred or not clearly to vision, so that was inefficient for management
hospital, too risky to occur adverse event or medical errors. The aim of this study was developed a patient
identification wristband for Mental patient Hospital, which different characteristics with common patient. Method
for this study with clinical trial design and make a System information to connect wristband with data of mental
patient in hospital. Result this research was a wristband identification can improve patient safety in mental hospital
and simple system information. The wristband identification for mental patient in hospital was hard texture not
make it harm, flexible and non-slashed very suitable for mental patients in hospital. The wristband identification
put inside with RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) reader device. RFID used to make easier for all health worker
in hospital to check the patient’s data. Excellences of RSIF were Tag has a unique ID and different in worldwide,
regardless of its manufacture, so it is not possible to appear duplicate ID, Operation in Harm Environment. RFID can
work in extreme environments such as high or low temperatures, high humidity to include wet categories, high noise
environments, Reusable. RFID can be used repeatedly, and no line of sight required. In its use RFID was not needed
to be faced directly with the reader.