This resectrch uims'lo unulyze the l)eterntinunts qf'Pover\, in 2012-2016 y,ith ca,se
sluclie.s in 35 di.stricisicities in Central Java Province. The tlependenr yariable in this
rcsearch u,r p(^ier\) ancl the indepenclenl variuble c:onsi^s{s o.l' ./bur vuriahles,
unem\tloymen{ rLt{e. edttcation, clistric{/ci\; minirnum x,age ctntl health {liJb expectanc|,).
I'he unalylic:a/ methocl used i.s panel duta regre,r,sion using a.lixed e.f./bct model. Basecl on
anulysis re.strlt, thal the minimum v,age variable r$ districticity, etlucutiotr and healtlt
(life expectancy) huve a significant negative e./Jbct to poverty lev*el in {)entral ,lavu
Province. While the unentploymenl vuriuble hu.s a po,sitive antl signi/icant e/fbct on the
level of poverty in Central Java Province. Suggestions in tltis yesearch to overcorne
pov*efiy is the go,-ernment mltsl irnpror*e the qualiry* o-f'education ta improve the qualitv oJhttrnan
resources, the governtnent is expected to open up the excessive employment sct
that unemployment can be retluced. The deterrtinunt of-rninimum y,cge,t is expecled to
meet standsrd oJ'living needs thut are .fbasible "for the comrnunity and.finally the ease of'
ctccess.fbr the commzuti4, 7,, obtain health.fbcilities i,s neetled fo overcotjle povert]).