This study aims to find out alternative strategies for developing batik in Wijirejo. The subjects in this study were the batik IKM actors in Wijirejo and related parties, namely the Industry and Manpower Office of Bantul Regency. There are 7 respondents with analytical techniques namely observation, interviews, documentation, and Focus Group Discussion. While the analysis tool used with SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats). The first step taken is observation, interview and FGD techniques. Second, score each internal and external factors in the form of IFAS and EFAS matrices based on FGD scores. Third, comparing scores obtained from IFAS and EFAS matrices in the form of SWOT analysis diagrams. Fourth, testing the position of batik entrepreneurs using the I-E Matrix on the average score of IFAS and EFAS. Fifth, compile a joint strategy of internal and external factors in the form of a SWOT Matrix. Sixth, choose the best strategy based on the acquisition of the position of batik entrepreneurs in the I-E matrix. There are four final results of the research that have been carried out, namely: 1. Internal Factors of Batik in Wijirejo, in the form of strengths and weaknesses that can encourage and inhibit development. 2. External Factors Batik in Wijirejo, in the form of opportunities and threats in encouraging and inhibiting the development of the batik industry. 3. The best strategy that Batik entrepreneurs can run in Wijirejo is the SO strategy (Strengths and Opportunities). The suggestions are: 1. The batik entrepreneurs must maintain a variety of batik motifs by utilizing technology that has developed 2. Utilizing support from the government in the form of training and events held will create skilled human resources and are ready to compete with batik industry centers in other regions.