Poverty and social gaps are still found high. It is proven by facts that developed and developing countries still have quite high number of poverty and economic gaps. If seen in the early years of Islam, Prophet Muhammad had changed the city of Madina to be a completely better city than before. It raises questions among each individual in the society.
This research aims to analyze the concept of welfare explained in the text of Madina Charter. This research was qualitative research applying library research. In this research, philosophical, historical approach, and content analysis were applied to find out the concepts and values of welfare implied in Madina Charter.
From the research results shown, it is found out that Madina Charter really discusses social and economic welfare implicitly. It proves that Madina Charter is not used as script for political and law reference only. The researcher used classical thoughts of the ulama’ participating in the discussion of welfare issue to prove the truth of the welfare concept existence implied in Madina Charter. The welfare concept found in Madina Charter consists of various social economic values. The values contained in it are still well-preserved and relevant until today. From the results, there are values collected in the welfare concept. This welfare concept contains values namely economic independence, each individual’s life quality improvements, each individual’s efforts in fulfilling his/her needs and in helping others, control on export and import trading, government supervision toward economic activities, governments’ concern toward the poor, cooperation among society in developing the prosperous country, and justice implementation by the government and society.