dc.contributor.author | SABANA, MOHAMAD SYAFII | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2018-08-16T02:43:38Z | |
dc.date.available | 2018-08-16T02:43:38Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2018-05-26 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.umy.ac.id/handle/123456789/20606 | |
dc.description | KEPUASAN KONSUMEN DALAM MENGKONSUMSI SUSU SEGAR DI KEDAI SUSU “NYONYA MUDA” KECAMATAN GAMPING KABUPATEN SLEMAN (dibimbing oleh Ir. Siti Yusi Rusimah. MS dan Dr. Ir. Triwara Buddhi S. MP). Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui profil konsumen, kepuasan konsumen dalam mengkonsumsi susu dan mengetahui loyalitas konsumen dalam membeli susu di Kedai Susu Nyonya Muda Kecamatan Gamping Kabupten Sleman. Penentuan lokasi penelitian dilakukan secara purposive sampling, dengan pertimbangan bahwa Kedai Susu Nyonya Muda menghasilkan produk susu secara konsisten meski terdapat kompetitor yang tidak jauh dari lokasi kedai. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan accidental sampling, responden yang diambil berjumlah 60 orang. Analisis yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dan skoring. Hasil penelitian diketahui konsumen susu di Kedai Susu Nyonya Muda didominasi perempuan berusia 21 sampai 23, berpendidikan SMA berstatus sebagai pelajar/mahasiswa dengan uang saku atau pendapatan per bulan kurang dari 1,5 juta rupiah dan belum menikah. Kepuasan konsumen susu di Kedai Susu Nyonya Muda termasuk dalam katagori tinggi dengan kepuasan tertinggi terhadap lokasi yang dekat diikuti oleh produk, tempat, pelayanan, harga dan promosi. Loyalitas konsumen dalam membeli susu di Kedai Susu Nyonya Muda berada pada kategori tinggi dengan loyalitas tertinggi berasal dari mengatakan hal baik tentang kedai diikuti oleh memberikan informasi kepada orang lain dan mengajak orang lain. | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | This research has aimed to know consumer profile, consumer satisfaction in consuming milk and knowing consumer loyality in buying milk at “Nyonya Muda” Milk Shop Gamping of Sleman Regency. The determination of the location of the research was conducted by purposive sampling, considering that the Milk Store Nyonya Muda consistently produces dairy products although there are competitors not far from the location of the shop. The sampling technique used accidental sampling, the respondents were 60 people. The analysis used is descriptive and scoring. The result of the research is known that milk consumer at “Nyonya Muda” Milk Shop is dominated by women aged 21 to 23, having high school education as a student with pocket money or monthly income less than 1.5 million rupiah and unmarried. Milk consumer satisfaction at “Nyonya Muda” Milk Shop is included in the high category with the highest satisfaction of the near location followed by the product, place, service, price and promotion. Consumer loyalty in buying milk at “Nyonya Muda” Milk Shop is in the high category with the highest loyalty comes from saying good things about the store followed by giving information to others and inviting others. | en_US |
dc.publisher | FP UMY | en_US |
dc.subject | consumer profile, consumer satisfaction, consumer loyalty. profil konsumen, kepuasan konsumen, loyalitas konsumen | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis
043 | en_US |