dc.contributor.author | WIGUNA, RIAN CANDRA | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2018-07-26T06:23:55Z | |
dc.date.available | 2018-07-26T06:23:55Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2018-05-25 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.umy.ac.id/handle/123456789/20174 | |
dc.description | Dilakukannya penelitian dikarenakan sering terjadinya over head pada mobil
suzuki katana. Tujuan perbaikan dan penggantian komponen agar sistem pendingin
dapat bekerja lebih baik juga tidak terjadi over head. Bagian yang perlu diperbaiki
untuk spesifikasi speed offroad water pump dan water jacket karena terdapat
banyak kotoran yang menempel. Yang harus diganti gasket full set agar tidak terjadi
kebocoran, tangki radiator 2ply menjadi 3ply supaya proses pendinginan lebih
cepat, dudukan radiator diubah menyesuaikan body tubular, van radiator
konvensional menjadi elektrik supaya mempercepat putaran kipas radiator, tutup
radiator mengalami kebocoran menyebabkan air radiator berkurang dan
penambahan thermostat 82°C karena sebelumnya tidak ada. Selang radiator diubah
menjadi lebih panjang karena perubahan tempat radiator. Setelah pembersihan dan
penggantian komponen aliran air lebih lancar, volume air bertambah sebanyak
1000ml karena radiator 2ply di ganti 3plymobil L300 dan proses pendinginan lebih
baik, aliran air lancar karena kotoran pada water jacket serta water pump sudah
dibersihkan, penambahan thermostat bertujuan agar mesin cepat mencapai suhu
ideal kerja yaitu 90°C. Peningkatan yang didapat bagian ex haust 10,9%, intake
manifol 3,73%, radiator atas 6,37% radiator bawah 19,8%. Peningkatan
keseluruhan proses pendingin adalah 10,2%. | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | Conducted research because often the occurrence of over head on the car
suzuki katana. The purpose of repair and replacement of components for cooling
system to work better also does not happen over head. Parts that need to be fixed
for the specification of offroad water pump speed and water jacket because there is
a lot of dirt attached. Which should be replaced with a full set of gaskets to avoid
leakage, 2ply radiator tank into 3ply so that the cooling process faster, radiator
holder adjusted to adjust the tubular body, conventional van radiator to be
electrically to accelerate the rotation of the radiator fan, radiator cap leaks cause
the radiator water is reduced and addition of 82 ° C thermostat because it was not
there before. The radiator hose changed to a longer length due to the radiator
change. After cleaning and replacing the water flow components more smoothly,
the volume of water increases by 1000ml because the 2ply radiator replaced 3ply
L300 car and cooling process is better, the water flow smoothly because the
impurities in the water jacket and water pump have been cleaned, the addition of
thermostat aims to the engine quickly reach the temperature ideal work is 90 ° C.
Increased gain in ex-haust 10.9%, intake manifold 3.73%, radiator above 6.37%
radiator below 19.8%. The overall improvement of the cooling process is 10.2%. | en_US |
dc.publisher | D3 UMY | en_US |
dc.subject | Radiator cooling system, Effect of thermostat and Influence of radiator tube. Sistem pendingin radiator, Pengaruh thermostat dan Pengaruh tabung radiator. | en_US |
dc.type | T A
011 | en_US |