Improving The Situation Awareness agaist Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection
Kusbaryanto1 , K. Kuntaman2 , W.J. Pudjirahardjo3
1Department of Public Health Faculty of Medicine , University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
2Department Microbiology Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University
3Department of Administration Policy, Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University
Background: MRSA infection is one of the major problems in the hospital, because of its prevalence is likely to increase. The aim of this study is to analyse the effectiveness of the Audit Guideline for MRSA infection control and prevention using directive discourse on nurses in hospitals. The Audit Guideline would be analysed its effectiveness in improving the situation awareness of the nurses.
Methods: This study was a quasi-experimental study using a pretest-posttest control group design. The population was ward nurses in a hospital. The samples were taken from four wards medical IRNA, two wards as the treatment group (25 nurses) and two wards as the control group (28 nurses). The two groups conducted the training of MRSA infection prevention. The training of application of the guideline of infection control and prevention using directive discourse only in the treatment goup.
Results: The analisys of results of the measurement of the practicing situation awareness was conducted, the result was improved from 0.8 response to 1.8 response (p = 0.014). This result was significantly difference because of the training using Audit Guideline for MRSA infections control and prevention with directive discourse become a positive reincforcement, the positive reincforcement to stimulate behavior change of the nurses.
Conclusion: The Audit Guideline for MRSA infection control and prevention using directive discourse has not demonstrated its effectiveness clearly to increase the perception, the comprehension and the projections of situation awareness, but has been shown to be effective in improving the situation awareness action.
Keywords: Audit Guideline, MRSA, directive discourse, situation awareness, hand washing
Correspondence : Kusbaryanto, Public Health Department Medical and Health Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Ngebel Tamantirto Kasihan Bantul Yogyakarta.
Telp: 08121586334, fax: 0274387658, email: [email protected] | en_US |