The delegation of authority agreement basically is given to represent the endorser to carry out an business. The delegation of authority agreement is usually written in front of notary. And, the practice, the delegation of authority agreement can be given just the endorser come to the notary and also the endorser and the endorsee, both of them come to the notary. This research it aims to know the legal consequences from the delegation of authority agreement in the sale and purchase of land in Temanggung, Central Java.
The method used in this research is empirical normative by conducting interviews with interviewees for primary data, and for secondary data obtained through literature study, and then the primary data and the secondary data will be analyzed descriptively analysis, described in a complete, systematic and logical to answer the problems in this research.
The result of this research show that the legal consequences of the delegation of authority agreement in this case about the end of agreement is according with article 1813 KUHPerdata. In addition to the authority that recieved by endorsee is all the things that related to the practice of sale and purcahse of land, including come to the notary/land titles registrar to make and sign the document of sale and purcahse of land. And if the delegation of authority agreement has met the requirements contained in article 1320 KUHPerdata and articel 1338 KUHPerdata, then the delegation of authorirty agreement has a binding legal force. So as in the implementation the parties of the agreement should pay an attention to that two articles and has a good faith so there is no parties are harmed.