Background: Hypercholesterolemia is a condition in which cholesterol’s capacity of blood is more than normal. Riset Kesehatan Dasar (2013) displays the residence’s proportion ≥ 15 years old who have higher total cholesterol than normal value is 35,9%. The increasement of cholesterol’s capacity in the blood is a cause of aterosklerosis that will raise the other disease, such as the difference of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular. Flavonoid is one of antioksidan that has role to decrease cholesterol’s capacity of blood. One of plant that has flavonoid’s extract is kersen (Muntingia calabura L.). The potential of kersen’s leaves as an agent of decreasing cholesterol’s capacity of blood has been not researched yet.
Method: This research was an experimental laboratories by pre-post test control group design. There were 30 wistar mice manly as animal test that were given standard food and hiperkolesterol induction during the research. The animals test that having hiperkolesterolemia were divided into 5 group of threatment were threaten according to their group. The measurement of total cholesterol’s capacity used enzimatic method CHOD-PAP. Then, the data were analyzed by using statistic test of Shapiro Wilk, Wilcoxon, Levene, Paired Sample T Test, and One way ANOVA.
Results: After therapy of total cholesterol’s capacity in a week, the result presented that the group of simvastatin therapy and the therapy group of kersens leaves’ extract meaningly could decrease total cholesterol’s capacity of the animal test (p≤0.05). There were meaningful diffrence between total cholesterol’s capacity of the group of simvastatin therapy and the therapy group of kersen leaves’ extract (p=0.00). After therapy in two week, the result showed that the most effective group that could decrease total cholesterol’s capacity was group of simvastatin therapy, followed by was the group of therapy of extract 400 mg, the group of therapy of extract 200 mg and the group of therapy of extract 100 mg (p=0.09). There was no significant difference between total cholesterol level of the simvastatin group and cherry leaf extract group of 400 mg (p = 0.09).
Conclution: Ethanol’s extract of kersen leaves (Muntingia calabura L.) meaningly can decrease total cholesterol’s capacity of hypercholesterolemia’s wistar mice manly (p<0.05). The optimize dose of kersen leaves’ extract (Muntingia calabura L.) to decrease total cholesterol’s capacity of wistar mice manly (Rattus norvegicus) is 400 mg that is given in two weeks.