Background : Stroke is one of the neurological disorders that cause the greatest death globally. Rapid and exact stroke diagnosis is required so that the course of the disease and its prognosis can be good. A CT scan is required in this case. But in the limited facilities and infrastructure, clinical examination and symptoms can help to make the diagnosis through the score. One of the most commonly used scores is Siriraj Score. This study aims to determine the relationship of Siriraj Score with CT Scan density of the head in stroke patients.
Method: This retrospective study using cross sectional method using secondary data in the form of medical records taken from the Sub Division of Medical Record PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital July 2015-July 2016 period. The sample size using the formula in this study is 62 complete samples without missing data with the technique of retrieval Sample random sampling. In the sample was done the calculation of Siriraj score through data on medical record and then measured the density of the lesion on CT Scan to be tested correlation
Result: From 62 samples with complete data, there were 46 patients (74.2%) with infark and 16 patients (25,8%) score with hemmoragic score. In the density calculation, there were 51 patients (82.3%) with hypodensity and 11 patients (17.7%) with hyperdensity. The average score of Siriraj was -2.032 and the mean Density (HU) was 27,344. From the results of chi-square test both obtained p-value 0.000 (<0.005) which means there is a corellation between the two with OR(Odds Ratio): 28,2
Conclusion: From this research it can be concluded that there is a corellation between Siriraj score with CT Scan density in stroke patient