The development of Islamic finance in Indonesia in the last few decades have provided positive results and quite exhilarating, including the development of Syariah bank in Indonesia. However, the development still is quite small on the national scale. It can be seen from the small market share owned by Islamic banks in comparison with conventional banks market share. Then to face intense competition, Islamic banks need to make improvements and increase efficiency. This research aims to analyze the determinants of the efficiency of the 2011-2016 period of Islamic banks. This research was conducted at 11 public bank Syariah in Indonesia by using the method of Least Square Panel analysis. The dependent variables used in this study is a BOPO, while the independent variable used is the CAR, ROA, ROE, NPF, FDR and branch offices. Based on the analysis that has been done the results of this study stated that CAR and NPF have relationships that are negative towards the efficiency of Islamic banks. ROA and FDR had a positive relationship towards the efficiency of Islamic banks. While ROE and branch office stated does not have a significant influence towards the efficiency of Islamic banks