This research is aimed at investigating the leading sectors in East Lombok regency. The analysis was performed by comparing Gross Domestic Product based on Constant Price of East Lombok Regency 2010 with Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) based on Constant Price of West Nusa Tenggara Province 2010. The analysis model used is Location Quotient (LQ) analysis, Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ) analysis, combination of LQ and DLQ analysis, Shift Share analysis, Klassen Typology analysis and SWOT analysis.
The result of LQ analysis shows that there are nine sectors which become the basic sectors which are agricultural sector, forestry and fishery sector, manufacturing industry sector, the provision of electricity and gas sector, construction sector, large and retail trade sector, car and motorcycle reparation, real estate sector, government administration sector, defense and compulsory social security sector, education services sector, and health services and social activities sector. The results of the DLQ analysis show that the fishing, forestry, and fishery sectors, the manufacturing industry sector, and the transportation and warehousing sectors are not the basis for the future. The results of the Shift Share analysis of potential sectors are the mining and quarrying sectors because they have the greatest value in the PDRB contribution of West Nusa Tenggara Province and have a faster income growth with similar sectors at the level of West Nusa Tenggara Province. Based on the results of Klassen Typology analysis, the factors included in advanced and fast-growing sectors are construction sector, large and retail trade sector, car and motorcycle reparation sector, government administration sector, defense and compulsory social security sector, education service sector and health services and social activities sector. Meanwhile, based on SWOT analysis, the policy strategy of sector development that needs to be taken is to improve the regional economy through the potential of the base sector, improve the quality of health, education and other basic social services, increase the quantity and quality of public facilities and infrastructure and improve economic competitiveness.