This study aims at analyzing Prudential principles implemented by PT.
BPRS MadinaMandiri Sejahtera and figuring out the strategies applied as effort to
reduce procurement risks.
The type of this study was qualitative with field research. The data
gathering technique used was observation, interview and documentation method.
In this study, the researcher conducted interview with the general marketing
manager, legal officers and customers.
Result shows that the implementation of Prudential principles on PT.
BPRS MadinaMandiri Sejahtera was using financing entreaty regulation regarding
documents comprehensiveness, financing requirements, and obedience towards
the standard financing procedures. Financing analysis from the aspect of 6 C has
to be conducted either, including character, capacity, collateral, condition of
economy, capital and constraints. The fund withdrawal will not be taking place if
one of those 6 aspects is not fulfilled. Funding maximum limit requirements has
also been implemented. Effort carried out by PT. BPRS Madina Mandiri Sejahtera
in reducing the procurement risks is done by two stages, involving the stage
before fund withdrawal and the stage after fund withdrawal. The stage before fund
withdrawal is conducted through preventive financing analysis steps by mitigating
the risks from 6 C (character, capacity, collateral, condition of economy, capital
and constraints). Meanwhile, the stage after fund withdrawal is intensively done
on the spot and also by maintaining risks towards credit quality. This is done by
creating routine communication with the customers.