This research is reception analysis research based on Stuart Hall encoding-decoding that aims to know how the acceptance of the audience about polygamy in Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan movie. Informants in this study was 5 people from Islamic Organizations of Aisyiyah and Muhammadiyah who acts as active audiences and they freely make meaning based on their background, experience, and knowledge respectively in accordance with decoding structure such as framework of knowledge, relations of production, and technical infrastructure.
Informants produced diverse meanings about polygamy in Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan movie with positions like Dominant-Hegemonic, Negotiated-Position, and Oppositional-Position. However, the overall position of informants is more to Negotiated-Position. These meanings become proof of the active audiences concept in which it is a freedom to produce meanings about message that made by media with influence of audience backgrounds, experiences and knowledges.
In addition to the results of data analysis, through this research, the researcher can find that polygamy unconsciously still occur in communities according to statement of informants who have experience about this case. Also through the statement of informants, the researcher also found that Islamization that occurred in the media have got a well-received where the informants considered Islamization in the media as a means of learning society.