“Cinta Tapi Beda” Movie by Hanung Bramantyo and Hestu Saputra raises the story of love struggle between two people having different religious and cultural backgrounds. This movie tries to describe the reality about a love story with differences of faith and religion. “Cinta Tapi Beda” Movie is successful in achieving Asean Spirit Award in a prestigious event which is Asean International Film Festival and Awards held in Borneo Convention Centre Malaysia before it is finally withdrawn from the market as it raises some controversies among the public. “Cinta Tapi Beda” Movie is considered to describe an issue in contrast with the culture of Minangkabau.
This research used reception analysis of Encoding-Decoding Stuart Hall model to find out how the public or audience perceive the culture of Minangkabau described in “Cinta Tapi Beda” Movie. The data collection used Focused Group Discussion (FGD), from Yogyakarta Watching Community and FORKOMMI UGM.
Based on the research result, one participant is in the oppositional position and two participant is in the Dominant-hegemonic position while three participant are in the negotiated position. From the result gained, it can be concluded that most informants provide interpretation Minangkabau culture in movie “Cinta Tapi Beda” is in a negotiated position which means the scenes in the film is not entirely acceptable. The informant received only a portion of the message conveyed in the movie “ Cinta Tapi Beda”.