Indonesia known as a disaster prone country, and one of it was Hydrometeorolgy Disaster, it means all of the disaster caused by climate and ekstrem weather like flood, landslide and rain storm. When the disaster happened, media has got important role to spread the information to the public. But it’s not a bit of them who make the news like a melancholy drama, they exploitate the victim sorrow using the style of language, video and pictures that given by media.
This thing happened as well in a Yogyakarta Local Media like Harian Jogja and Kedaulatan Rakyat. Disaster interpreted by both of the media as watching object by showing the sorrow, tears and victim suffering to the audience. The greater the disaster, the more intensity of information needed and the more media use the disaster as tears journalism that can attract public attention using their news.
Harian Jogja and Kedaulatan Rakyat Newspaper has got same discourse on interpreted the disaster into text and journalism picture. Both of the media turn the disaster become desire consumer news and not based on consumer need of information. That’s why this research happened, it aim to show the discourse of Hydrometerology disaster on Harian Jogja and Kedaulatan Rakyat Newspaper. This methodological research using qualitative descriptive with the news of Harian Jogja and Kedaulatan Rakyat Newspaper form 13-up to 18 of February as an object. The result of this research show us that both of the media us the news as tears journalism using language style and picture they have given.