Background: Abdominal Obesity is excessive accumulation of fat in the body, which has more risk of the disease compared with peripheral obesity. In Indonesia, the 2007 national data indicated an obesity prevalence of 19.1% among individuals aged 15 years and older. A previous study in mice adipose tissue and adipocyte could produce and secrete uric acid through xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) and that the production was enhanced in obesity
Methods: This study was a quantitative research with observational research design and analytic cross sectional approach. Samples of this study taken with consecutive sampling were abdominal obesity patients in Puskesmas Pandak I Bantul which amounts to 60 respondents in detail 30 female and 30 male. Analysis of the data Pearson correlation test to see the relationship between abdominal obesity and hyperuricemia.
Result: Respondents from the 46–55 age group who had highest frequencies in this study, 21 female respondents whereas 15 male respondents. The value of p =0,021 meant there was correlation between gender and age. The most frequently encountered waist circumference was 90-99cm as many as 13 female and 19 male. The calculation results showed the value of p = 0.001 meant that there was a relationship waist circumference and gender. There was no significant correlation between abdominal obesity and hyperuricemia with p = 0.181 and r = 0.251 for female while in male the value of p = 0.322 and r = 0.187. The relationship between two variables where both female and male were weak and had positive correlation.
Conclusion: From this study we could conclude that there was not a statistically correlation between abdominal obesity and hyperuricemia.